Starting Again in the Spring
I have been noticing recently how easy it is to feel disconnected and unworthy. Sometimes I can feel like I don't belong and need to repair some personality flaws in order to feel connected and to just move forward. This really is not true. (Don't believe everything that you think!) We are connected all of the time - even when we don't feel the connection. Whatever your flavor of disconnection is - unworthiness, shame, anger or anxiety - it will pass. Notice those little moments when it feels like a window has opened, even if it is just a small crack. Feelings don't have to be solved, figured out and/or fixed. Time passes and everything shifts. Start again right now. You are not ruined, and you are not too much or too little. You are yourself - which is a perfectly flawed and perfectly beautiful human who belongs to this world. Let yourself off of the hook and start again right now. It is spring and the world is waiting for you.