Tend the Fires
Most of all fire consumes. This is like life too - we consume. Food, of course, but also the news and even our thoughts and emotions. A fire is tended to with care, keeping the flames going; neither too hot nor leaving it to smolder and die out.
Que Sera Sera
We cannot know the future. Don't let your brain dupe you, and don't let the very smart experts on the news or in your video feed fool you into thinking we know for certain what will happen.
Lessons from Pudding Creek
Everything changed, and my ideas about the retreat center and any timeline projections completely evaporated. Lockdown was upon us, and even the beaches were closed. It would be an understatement to say there was fear and uncertainty at that time. Do you remember?
Create Something
I have been filled with grief with the state of the world. How are you? Rage and grief both seem appropriate.
And What Else is Here?
The world can be tough, and it feels like we are on the precipice of big changes with the election, the wars, and the climate. Even with all of that, there is still so much here to be grateful for.
Don’t Blame The Apple Tree
We live in a sea of change. It's not just the apple trees! To the disappointment of the chipmunks, the walnut crop this year is small.
The Furry Guru of Yoga and Other Shenanigans
Tiger the cat doesn't apologize for being scared—his fur stands on end, and he dashes under the deck to hide. He isn't afraid to ask for what he wants, and he rests when he needs to. He is the ultimate maestro, having taken a seat in the middle of his life.
Your Inner Critic Called—It’s Time for a Timeout!
Maybe you think that you can't meditate because the inner critic is so very loud for you. Your mind might even tell you that you are a hopeless case and that you might as well not even try (anything, whether it is meditation or a new hobby like stand-up paddle board).
Lesson from Bear
I walked outside the morning after Bear's visit, and two of my car doors were open. I could barely believe it, but there were muddy, bear-shaped paw prints next to the handles. Bear opened my car using the door handles!
Tend to This Earth
There were parts of an old railway line, parts of a horse drawn carriage and a bag of used kitty litter. There was more below the surface than was obvious and we needed help to get the bigger stuff out.
Don't Believe Everything You Think
Our mindfulness practice is not about stopping thought or stories, but rather to see clearly and be willing to let go of those thoughts that aren't serving us. You probably already know which thoughts aren't serving you!
Bend So You Don’t Break
But now, I have put down roots, become habituated and life feels more mundane. Plus there is so much to worry about - climate change, war, and politics. The 'honeymoon' is over and my inspiration is wobbly. Can you relate?
Lean on Me
So off we went, armed with heavy-duty garbage bags. We crossed the creek, climbing over downed trees, and entered the cool, fern-filled redwood forest. After filling the big bags with toxic evidence of past human endeavors—plastic, fiberglass, and plywood—we walked back, skirting the poison oak and across the creek in time to share a delicious, hearty meal.
Creatively Responding to What is Here
Heat wave coming? No problem; we can work in the woods instead of the garden. Really, who knows what will happen. Do you? Something is always bound to happen, and it can be unexpected!
Water is Flowing
I have to say, the sympathetic questions about the water catch me by surprise because my mind has already moved on to the next worry. It is like a Fourth of July parade around here, except that instead of marching bands and floats there are problems, hitches, mix-ups, quandaries and conundrums.
A Cascade of Interlocking Problems
The water tank was empty, and for some reason it wasn't filling from the spring.
The To-Do List
We can think of life like a big art project that doesn't have an ending in sight.
Change The Station
The other day, I was in a yoga posture with my leg extended out behind me, and Tiger bit my big toe!