Rock in the Road
Today I am waiting for my electricity and phone service to be repaired from the big storm on Sunday. I decided to drive to town because there is so much to get done that requires power and water. On my way, there was a massive, mossy, earth-colored rock smack in the middle of the road. It wasn't even exactly clear where it came from, and certainly it is big enough that it will require some equipment to move it.
I drove around it. This can happen all of the time. Rocks in the road. Maybe usually just as a metaphor, but today quite literally for me. What can we do when there is a rock in the road? Drive around it, and if that isn't possible, ask for help.
Have you heard the spiritual teaching that we are all connected? Sometimes that seems so abstract to me! Not today, though. I have been imagining the utility workers outside in the elements repairing the damage from the storms so I can work (and amuse myself) at home. In the meantime, I am at a dear friend's house writing to you after eating a meal together. I really couldn't do any of this (or any of life!) without all the deep connections—the utility workers, my friends, the farmers who grew the food that I just ate, and you, the readers of this blog! We need each other and are held together in so many ways, both visible and not so obvious.
Navigate around any rocks in your road today, and if you can't get around them, reach out to someone. And if you see someone with a rock in their way offer some assistance. We are all in this together.