Woody Knocking
Woody the Woodpecker has been knocking at the side of the house. When I hear the rhythmic rapping, I run over waving my arms and yelling at her to stop putting pickle ball-sized holes into the side of the house. She fusses back, telling me that this is a good place for a nest.
I am in a dispute with a woodpecker! I find it easier to be in a conflict with a woodpecker than with a human. Somehow when there is disagreement with another human, the mind makes up so many unflattering stories about that human's motivations and character. With Woody, it is simple: she wants to make her home where it will damage my home. I can see her side of the equation, and I still think she is an amazing creature.
This week, I have been working with a meditative reflection about the shared humanity of everyone - even people that seem distant, different, or that I disagree with. The instruction is to bring the "difficult" (I am using quotation marks because the difficulty lies not with the other but within my own mind) person to mind and reflect that, just like me, they have a body and mind. Also like me, at some point they have experienced grief, hurt, and confusion. They are familiar with physical and emotional pain and also joy and peace: in all respects, just like me. This is our shared humanity.
I learned from Woody that it is possible to disagree with a being without closing my heart. We can set boundaries (I am going to put wire up to block her exploits) and nevertheless remember that all beings are worthy of respect and care. Even if they have a different viewpoint than me.