Ashley Sharp, E-RYT, is known for her wit, practicality, and tenderness as an instructor.
Ashley Sharp lives in Fort Bragg, California, among the redwood trees with her husband, artist Joe Murphy. An ardent lifetime learner, Sharp has attended years of yoga, meditation and mindfulness courses, retreats and workshops everywhere from India and Myanmar to California and Massachusetts. She has been teaching for 25 years and founded Insight Richmond, a community based meditation group. She leads retreats at Refuge at Pudding Creek.

I opened an intimate retreat center on the coast of California outside of Fort Bragg. It has 25 acres, an apple orchard and a creek - Pudding Creek! The dream is to create a place for refuge, sanctuary, community and connection. Yoga and Buddhist meditation will be offered along with art, music and space for people to reconnect with nature and meaning. There will be a big garden and maybe some chickens for eggs. Refuge at Pudding Creek is born.