Sunshine and Lassitude
Earlier today I was rolling around on the floor of my living room while moaning and complaining. Just last weekend we had a small group of people here for the New Year's Retreat and I had an amazing time. Tiger the cat was charming; we ate well and laughed a lot. It felt so good to practice in person together. In the week since, the septic system stopped functioning and it looks like I may have to change the first meeting of the 6 month Yoga & Dharma Immersion from in person to on-line. This was to be our first time to practice together in person since March 2020! The word that came to mind while sprawled on the floor was ennui. Even though the septic got fixed (the shit is flowing! YAY!) and the sun is out today, I couldn't seem to talk myself into feeling better or differently. It is a new year and while things have changed, it does feel like we are still just treading water. Getting to work can be hard. Especially when eagerly anticipated plans need to be changed. What do you do when faced with a wave of lassitude? Or grief? One of my favorite quotes is from Rilke, "No feeling is final." So I took a breath, gave myself an inner hug, and then got into the shower. Moods shift all of the time. My practice has taught me that I don't always need to solve every feeling, but instead I can be a friend to myself until it passes. How are you being a friend to yourself?