Fear and Worry
This morning during my meditation, I found myself worrying about everything from the personal to the global. There is inflation and war and racial oppression. There is the ongoing question of climate change and whether or not there is enough water to sustain us here in California. I don't mean to bring you down, but you must have noticed that there is a lot to worry about! Practice, whether yoga or meditation, is a time to feel into the texture of the worry rather than the specifics of the worry. In this way, we can digest the experience and let it pass through. This can only be done with friendliness and care, otherwise practice turns into another struggle for domination and control over ourselves and the content of the mind/heart. Fear and worry are not personal, at times we are all worried. It's not who you are - we can refuse to define ourselves and others by our fears. Yes, there is a lot to be worried about, but through practice we can move through the worry and fear and meet the day fresh.