The Bucky Brothers Eat the Garden
After chasing two robust bucks up the hill and into the woods, I find myself at the computer writing to you. This is my third spring here in Fort Bragg, and the first one that the bucks have been visiting. Usually they come in the fall for the apples, but this year they are eating the roses, my garden flowers, and the apple trees themselves. I named them the Bucky Brothers and they have beautiful soft looking antlers that are bigger and bigger by the day. Joe and I have been chasing them into the woods in the hope that they learn that they are not welcome here. Yesterday, right before dinner, Joe ran off with a stick in his hand to drive them away. He eventually wandered back from the forest after having found a disassembled skeleton of a fox.
In the course of casual conversation over the fence with a neighbor, he told me that his hip and shoulder and back keep him up at night, but when dawn comes he is grateful to be alive and have another day in paradise. Maybe someone has been repeatedly pushing your boundaries like the Bucky Brothers eating my garden. Or maybe you have pain, physical or otherwise. Maybe you are just too gosh darn busy. Whatever it is, remember the bigger picture. Life is a miracle and a gift. Keep going, chasing deer or whatever it is that is in front of you, because it is all a miracle.