Que Sera Sera


"Que sera, sera. 
Whatever will be, will be. 
The future's not ours to see.
Que sera sera."



Do you know this song? It has been looping around in my head recently (poor Joe having to listen to me sing, on repeat, the parts that I can remember).


This is a message from my brain to both me and you! We cannot know the future. Don't let your brain dupe you, and don't let the very smart experts on the news or in your video feed fool you into thinking we know for certain what will happen. 


Of course, I don't mean to suggest that we should bury our heads in the sand. For example, here at Pudding Creek, we are working on developing another water source due to predictions and trends of drought here in California.


But the tendency might be to give up too much real estate in the brain space to rumination over future certainties. Well, the future's not ours to see. We don't know, and that, my friends, is both comforting and terrifying.


Keep showing up for yourself, for the world, and for each other. Let's not give in to fear when thinking about the future. 


It's not ours to see.


Meet Joe


Lessons from Pudding Creek