Equanimity is a Function of the Heart
Equanimity and the other heart qualities of lovingkindness, compassion, and sympathetic joy are all about our relationship to ourselves, others and our experience.
Creativity and a Doodle Loaf
Your whole life is a creative project where you make something new and valuable everyday from necessity, blunders, and optimism.
Meet the Yoga Model
I recommend the practice of leading with generosity to everyone that you meet. Remember that generosity doesn't have to be a thing, it could be a kind word, a helping hand, or even giving someone the benefit of the doubt.
Finding Sanctuary
To take refuge is to remember to act in your own highest good so that you can then lift the people around you up too. To take refuge is to remember that you are held in this world, not separate.
Faith and Patience
Faith and patience can carry us through by reminding us that life itself moves in cycles.
Bears, Foxes, Deer and Gratitude
I strive to hold all of the difficulty and still connect anyway to the mystery and wonder of a doe in the moonlight and more apples than can be counted.
You Are A Light
When practicing yoga, we can learn to stretch more than just our hamstrings. We can practice loving kindness and mindfulness meditation to train the heart towards kindness and non-harming.
Are the Blackberries Ripe Yet?
When we practice cultivating something - whether it is the blackberry vine with water and sun or patience with courage and compassion - it grows.
Put Down Your Worry
I put down my worry and sat down to practice connection through mindfulness and gratitude for what is in front of me which is Bunny, the sun, the blue sky, and my life.
How Long Will This Last?
Remember that mindfulness is not about being a perfect human but a more alive and connected person. We connect with ourselves with just a bit more compassion and patience!
Starting Again in the Spring
You are yourself - which is a perfectly flawed and perfectly beautiful human who belongs to this world.
Big Changes and Pudding Creek
This time allowed me to live and breathe into the interconnectedness that we all have (and all forget) with the world.
Thoughts on Thoughts
Just like a description of my mother is not my actual living breathing mother, your thoughts about yourself are not the living breathing you.
Who Do You See When You Look at Someone?
What freedom it would bring, if we could clearly see ourselves and each other in the fullness of being human.
Tending with Love
The mind can crave certainty, putting everything into boxes - this or that; yes or no; black or white.
In Relationship
Because the whole world is a complex web of relationship, we are always in relationship.